What is your hook / headline?:
Create your Hook Headline using:
> Killer Headline Scripts
> Sales Opener Question Scripts
> Opportunity Switch Headline Scripts
About You and Your Topic
What is your name?:
"My name is _____."
What is your role or title as it applies to your audience?:
"I am _____."
(Ex: an author and software developer; a master herbalist, etc.)
Why does it make sense for you to talk to them and help them in this area?:
"I have _____."
(Ex: helped literally hundreds of thousands of people around the world set up their websites, write their sales copy, sell their products, and drive traffic online for more than 20 years; now helped thousands of people overcome everything from problematic breakout prone, flaky, dry, cracked, itchy skin into gorgeous glowing skin, etc.)
What is the topic of your product, service, book, etc. in 2-3 words?:
"My topic is _____.
(Ex: for sale by owner, get more clients, book writing, video blogging, dry cleaning, executive coaching, pt testing, fried butter)
Your Story
Backstory Identity:
"I was a __________."
(Ex: broke college student athlete, new husband.)
Backstory Struggle:
"At the time, I was trying to _________."(VERB)
(Ex: make money online; sell not one, but two houses, etc.)
What was something external blocking you from your desire?:
"I was struggling with ______." (VERB ending in ING)
(Ex: making only a few dollars a day from my website, and many days I actually lost money; struggling to find a buyer for each of the two houses I owned so I could take a new job in Florida, etc.)
What happened that caused you to finally "hit the wall?":
"The problem was that _______."
(Ex: Google had changed their algorithms and increased their ad costs; I got a call that I had to be there to start working in 60 days or they would give the job to someone else, etc.)
What did "hitting the wall" mean for you here? (NEGATIVE):
"Hitting the wall in this case meant ________."
(Ex: suddenly my little potato gun website was no longer making any money, so I had to turn it off; if I didn't get those houses sold, I was on the verge of losing out on the opportunity of a lifetime, etc.)
#1 consequence of what hitting the wall meant. (NEGATIVE):
"And in this case, hitting the wall actually __________."(VERB)
(Ex: killed my only source of income; meant I was on the clock to get those houses sold or see my dreams squashed forever, etc.)
What was the epiphany "Event" for you?:
"But luckily for me, that's when I _________ and everything changed." (VERB)
(Ex: ran into a friend who told me a secret; picked up and read a book; saw a video; had a brainstorm, etc.)
What did this epiphany event reveal to you?:
"From this event I discovered all about _________."(VERB ending in ING)
(Ex: adding upsells to his products; socially engineering a house sale instead of wasting a ton of money on useless newspaper ads, etc.
What was the big "how to" revealed to you in the epiphany?:
"It was made clear to me how to _______."
(Ex: make more money from every customer who came in; get people I knew to refer me to people they knew who might want to buy a house, etc.)
What did this big "how to reveal" mean to you?:
"Discovering this how to secret meant _______."
(Ex: all his websites started working again in spite of Google’s increased costs; I'd found a new way to find a buyer without paying 6% to a Realtor, etc.)
The Plan: What was the first thing you planned to do?:
"My plan was to start _______." (VERB ending in ING)
(Ex: creating sales funnels in other markets that had better potential to make money than the potato gun market; contacting everyone I knew to ask them to help me spread the word about my house to their friends, etc.
The Plan: What was the first action you took?:
"So I started _________." (VERB ending in ING)
(Ex: creating funnels and selling products in the weight loss market; making a list of everyone I knew who lived within a 20 mile radius of my house, etc.)
The Plan: What was the next action you took?:
"We then _______." (VERB)
(Ex: created and started selling supplements to people who suffered from diabetic neuropathy; started calling those people and letting them know our house was for sale and that we needed their help, etc.)
The Plan: What was the final big action you took?:
"After that, we ________." (VERB)
(Ex: created funnels in the couponing, dating, and parenting markets, and others; sent everyone a physical flyer with a picture of our house, a stats sheet, and a special financing sheet, etc.)
Achievement: What's the bottom line BIG result you got that your target audience is also going to think is cool and want for themselves?:
"In the end, we were able to _______." (VERB)
(Ex: 3X (TRIPLE) our Instagram following and 4X (QUADRUPLE) the size of our private Facebook group in less than 60 days!, etc.)
Achievement: When the plan came together, what did you decide?:
"Then, because the plan came together so well, we decided to ______." (VERB)
(Ex: create a platform that would make it really easy for everyone to create sales funnels; create a course that taught everything we learned about how to sell multiple houses yourself, no matter what the market conditions, etc.)
Achievement: What's the name of the solution you created?:
"We chose to call it _______."
(Ex: ClickFunnels, Selling Your Home Alone, etc.)
Achievement: What amazing, DREAM outcome did you achieve?:
"Though it sounds almost too good to be true, I can now ________." (VERB)
(Ex: build in an hour—by myself, without any tech people—what used to take me and my team of 8 guys 6–8 weeks, and these funnels run faster and converted way higher; show anyone how to sell any house without an agent, no matter what the price, neighborhood or market conditions, easier and faster than hiring a broker and paying their outrageous commissions, etc.)
About Your Product / Service + Your Audience
What's the overall Title / Name of your offer or what you're selling?:
"The Big title / name of my offer is ______."
(Ex: ClickFunnels; Funnel Scripts; Copywriting Secrets; Funnel Hacker Mentor etc.)
How much time does it take to START getting results with your product, service, book, etc.?:
"You can get results in _____."
(Ex: almost immediately; about an hour; a single afternoon; less than a day; less than a week; less than a couple of weeks; less time than it takes a bake a cake)
WHO is your target niche audience for this offer? (SINGULAR, 2-3 words):
"My target audience is a / an _____."
(Ex: a for sale by owner; a business coach; a new author)
How would you describe your typical, ideal customer AND what they want?:
... who wants ....
"My idea customer is ____ who wants ____."
(2 parts: WHO they are plus WHAT they WANT)
(Ex: a homeowner who wants to get their house sold; a well qualified executive coach who wants more clients; a novice book author who wants to write a great book)
What is your ideal customer's main pressing need in this area?:
needs to ..., but can't ...
"My customer really (needs to) ___, (but can't) __"
(Formula: "My customer really needs to ___, but can't __")
(Ex: needs to sell his house but can't afford the commission; needs more coaching clients, but can't attract new sign ups; needs to write a book, but can't figure out how to get started, etc.)
What's the main solution your product / service gives your audience on a silver platter?:
"My product / service helps you with ______."
(Ex: how to use FREE sites to advertise your house as a "hidden gem"; tools and coaching to help you write a great book, etc.)
What NEGATIVE person, thing, or circumstance do they believe is working against them? (OBSTACLE):
"The biggest OBSTACLE you have to overcome is _____."
(Ex: Brokers who control the inventory of houses with MLS; Traditional marketing makes it very expensive to find coaching clients / sell books)
WHY is this OBSTACLE (above) such a huge deal for your target audience?:
"This obstacle is a HUGE deal for you because _____."
(Ex: since Agents control inventory, all good buyers work with agents; if you don't already have clients it's very hard to get credibility; it's hard to stand out from the crowd of authors)
HOW does this OBSTACLE (above) hurt them or keep them from getting results they want?:
"This obstacle really HURTS you because it means _____.")
(Ex: most buyers won't see your house because it's not in the MLS; you can't reach enough coaching prospects to build your credibility; you can't get your book published)
What's an idea your target audience believes is true, but is actually completely WRONG? (VERB ending in "ing ") :
"Even though it's not true, many people believe _____." (VERB ending in "ing ")
(Ex: Selling your home without an agent is really hard; Getting new coaching clients is really hard; Writng a book is really hard and takes a long time, etc.)
Five (5) Big Results
(1 of 5) What is the absolute #1 COOLEST RESULT your target audience gets from your product / service / book?:
"We make it easy to _____!" (Starts with a VERB)
(Ex: Sell your house for top dollar - no commissions; Establish credibility instantly as a coach with your own well-written book; Write a damn good, unique book you can be proud of)
(2 of 5) What's the 2nd coolest RESULT your solution gives your target audience?:
"We make it easy to _____!" (Starts with a VERB)
(Ex: Leverage the Internet to advertise your home for sale; Get more client referrals; Write your book without the pain and hassle of other methods)
(3 of 5) What's ANOTHER great RESULT your product or service gets for people?:
"We make it easy to _____!" (Starts with a VERB)
(Ex: Find a qualified buyer; Differentiate yourself from all other coaches; Get your book done VERY FAST)
(4 of 5) And what is yet another incredible RESULT your product or service gets for people?:
"We make it easy to _____!" (Starts with a VERB)
(Ex: Negotiate a win/win contract with a buyer; Leverage book in marketing and advertising to get more clients; Write a book you will be PROUD to have people read)
(5 of 5) What is one more awesome RESULT you get FOR your target audience?:
"We make it easy to _____!" (Starts with a VERB)
(Ex: Get to closing and move on with life; Stop working so hard to find new coaching clients and have your pick of the best students; Have fun and enjoy the book creation process)
Three (3) Reasons To Act Now
(1 of 3) What's the #1 biggest reason your target audience should act on this now?:
"You should act right now because _____."
(Ex: The Rules of real estate have changed and the Internet makes it possible to sell without an agent; You need a way to quickly set yourself apart from competition and a book is the best way)
(2 of 3) What's another really important thought about why now is the best time for them to take action?:
"You should act right now because _____."
(Ex: You don't need agent or the MLS to find a good, qualified buyer anymore; Your own good, unique book is the #1 way create instant credibility in business in today's market)
(3 of 3) What's one last big reason why your audience should act now?:
"You should act right now because _____."
(Ex: The Internet and other tools & websites make it easier than ever to find buyers; The 27 Day Book.com process, tools, software and coaching make it simple and easy to get your book done NOW!)
Your Specific Offer - Offer Piece #1
Offer Piece #1: What's the Title / Name of this first part of your offer?:
If you need help with a cool title, use the Profitable Title Script
"The title / name of this part of my offer is ______."
(Ex: Topic Detective Wizard, etc.)
Offer Piece #1: What is this? (1-3 words):
"This is a / an ______."
(Ex: software program, course, training, one-on-one coaching, etc.)
Offer Piece #1: What's the monetary Value of this first part of your offer?:
"The value of this first part of my offer is ______."
(Ex: $97, etc.)
Offer Piece #1: What does this first offer piece do for them?:
"This makes it easy for you to ______." (Starts with a VERB)
(Ex: research your niche audience super fast; learn to write great classified ads; create the ultimate speaker one-sheet; emergency fitness training routine, etc.)
Offer Piece #1: What is the BENEFIT of this feature (above)?:
"This makes it so you can _______." (Starts with a VERB)
(Ex: get inside their minds quickly; generate tons of buyer leads this weekend; instantly set yourself apart from every other speaker they're considering; reach passing levels for your test in a month or less, etc.)
Offer Piece #1: What do this feature & benefit together MEAN to them in their life, business, goals, etc.? (connect to an EMOTIONALLY charged payoff):
"This means you will finally be able to _______." (Starts with a VERB)
(Ex: reach even the most outrageous sales goals faster than you ever dreamed possible; sell your house and get on with your life; sell more from the back of the room and give your family the lifestyle they deserve; land the dream job you always wanted, etc.)
Offer Piece #2
Offer Piece #2: What's the Title / Name of this second part of your offer?:
If you need help with a cool title, use the Profitable Title Script
"The title / name of this part of my offer is ______."
(Ex: The Instagram Expert's Insider Guide, etc.)
Offer Piece #2: What is this? (1-3 words):
"This is a / an ______."
(Ex: software program, course, training, one-on-one coaching, etc.)
Offer Piece #2: What's the monetary Value of this second part of your offer?:
"The value of this first part of my offer is ______."
(Ex: $97, etc.)
Offer Piece #2: What does this second offer piece do for them?:
"This makes it easy for you to ______." (Starts with a VERB)
(Ex: get off to a fast start with Instagram using hashtags; negotiate win-win contracts with nervous buyers; learn to creat the ultimate presentation to sell; know what to eat and drink before, during and after the fitness test, etc.)
Offer Piece #2: What is the BENEFIT of this feature (above)?:
"This makes it so you can _______." (Starts with a VERB)
(Ex: generate targeted traffic quickly; avoid having a deal blow up in you face; make a ton of sales no matter how resistant the audience; instantly have the best energy levels for high performance, etc.
Offer Piece #2: What do this feature & benefit together MEAN to them in their life, business, goals, etc.? (connect to an EMOTIONALLY charged payoff):
"This means you will finally be able to _______." (Starts with a VERB)
(Ex: stop wasting money and time on traffic sources that don't work; get to closing in one piece; make every speech a potential gold mine; stand out as a top performer, especially at promotion time, etc.)
Offer Piece #3
Offer Piece #3: What's the Title / Name of this third part of your offer?:
If you need help with a cool title, use the Profitable Title Script
"The title / name of this part of my offer is ______."
(Ex: Hashtag Scraper, etc.)
Offer Piece #3: What is this? (1-3 words):
"This is a / an ______."
(Ex: software program, course, training, one-on-one coaching, etc.)
Offer Piece #3: What's the monetary Value of this third part of your offer?:
"The value of this first part of my offer is ______."
(Ex: $97, etc.)
Offer Piece #3: What does this third offer piece do for them?:
"This makes it easy for you to ______." (Starts with a VERB)
(Ex: instantly research all the hashtags for your niche on Instagram and Twitter; "Set the stage" for KILLER Showings to buyers; create order forms that sell "subconsciously"; learn the best way for your body to transition from one test to another, etc.)
Offer Piece #3: What is the BENEFIT of this feature (above)?:
"This makes it so you can _______." (Starts with a VERB)
(Ex: find all the most popular hashtags as well has hidden gem hashtags your competitors are missing; put up the best first impression every time; use your handouts to make more money; reach peak efficiency and maximize your score, etc.)
Offer Piece #3: What do this feature & benefit together MEAN to them in their life, business, goals, etc.? (connect to an EMOTIONALLY charged payoff):
"This means you will finally be able to _______." (Starts with a VERB)
(Ex: literally save HUNDREDS of hours of research time you'll now be able to spend with your family instead; sell your house faster than the one down the street; enjoy the highest closing rate of any speaker; feel confident you'll ace any PT test... any time!, etc.)
Bonus Piece #1
BONUS Piece #1: What's the Title / Name of this first part of your Bonus Offer?:
If you need help with a cool title, use the Profitable Title Script
"The title / name of this part of my offer is ______."
(Ex: The Insiders Guide to Double Your Social Media Followers In 30 Days, etc.)
Bonus Piece #1: What is this? (1-3 words):
"This is a / an ______."
(Ex: software program, course, training, one-on-one coaching, etc.)
Bonus Piece #1: What's the monetary Value of this first Bonus Piece?:
"The value of this first Bonus Piece is ______."
(Ex: $97, etc.)
Bonus Piece #1: What does this first Bonus Piece do for them?:
"This makes it easy for you to ______." (Starts with a VERB)
(Ex: build up your social media following fast; build a team of professionals to help you get your house sold; Learn 5 openers that instantly grab attention; specific ways to train smarter (not harder), etc.)
Bonus Piece #1: What is the BENEFIT of this feature (above)?:
"This makes it so you can _______." (Starts with a VERB)
(Ex: reach a LOT more people with every post; have lawyers and bankers begging to help you; keep your audience's attention through the close; drop your mile pace, etc.)
Bonus Piece #1: What do this feature & benefit together MEAN to them in their life, business, goals, etc.? (connect to an EMOTIONALLY charged payoff):
"This means you will finally be able to _______." (Starts with a VERB)
(Ex: make a lot more money and have a greater impact on the world; leverage the work of others to get your home sold; help a LOT more people sign up for your offers; avoid injuries that could derail your career, etc.)
Bonus Piece #2
BONUS Piece #2: What's the Title / Name of this second part of your Bonus Offer?:
If you need help with a cool title, use the Profitable Title Script
"The title / name of this part of my offer is ______."
(Ex: 50 Money Making Tweet Templates, etc.)
Bonus Piece #2: What is this? (1-3 words):
"This is a / an ______."
(Ex: idea checklist & templates; software program, course, training, one-on-one coaching, etc.)
Bonus Piece #2: What's the monetary Value of this second Bonus Piece?:
"The value of this second Bonus Piece is ______."
(Ex: $97, etc.)
Bonus Piece #2: What does this second Bonus Piece do for them?:
"This makes it easy for you to ______." (Starts with a VERB)
(Ex: instantly come up with great tweet ideas; discover how to use the Internet to sell your home; discover how to use social media to get a ton of speaking offers; specific training mistakes you must avoid, etc.)
Bonus Piece #2: What is the BENEFIT of this feature (above)?:
"This makes it so you can _______." (Starts with a VERB)
(Ex: tweet every day in less than 60 seconds; leverage social media to find all the buyer you need; avoid the humiliation of begging for speaking gigs; prevent bad results on your PT test, etc.)
Bonus Piece #2: What do this feature & benefit together MEAN to them in their life, business, goals, etc.? (connect to an EMOTIONALLY charged payoff):
"This means you will finally be able to _______." (Starts with a VERB)
(Ex: leverage Twitter to make more sales and enjoy more free time off; know you're using every tool possible to find a buyer; keep your speaking calendar as full as you want it to be; enjoy an exemplary record for every promotion board, etc.)
Bonus Piece #3
BONUS Piece #3: What's the Title / Name of this third part of your Bonus Offer?:
If you need help with a cool title, use the Profitable Title Script
"The title / name of this part of my offer is ______."
(Ex: 50 Money Making Tweet Templates, etc.)
Bonus Piece #3: What is this? (1-3 words):
"This is a / an ______."
(Ex: idea checklist & templates; software program, course, training, one-on-one coaching, etc.)
Bonus Piece #3: What's the monetary Value of this third Bonus Piece?:
"The value of this third Bonus Piece is ______."
(Ex: $97, etc.)
Bonus Piece #3: What does this third Bonus Piece do for them?:
"This makes it easy for you to ______." (Starts with a VERB)
(Ex: instantly come up with great tweet ideas; discover how to use the Internet to sell your home; discover how to use social media to get a ton of speaking offers; specific training mistakes you must avoid, etc.)
Bonus Piece #3: What is the BENEFIT of this feature (above)?:
"This makes it so you can _______." (Starts with a VERB)
(Ex: tweet every day in less than 60 seconds; leverage social media to find all the buyer you need; avoid the humiliation of begging for speaking gigs; prevent bad results on your PT test, etc.)
Bonus Piece #3: What do this feature & benefit together MEAN to them in their life, business, goals, etc.? (connect to an EMOTIONALLY charged payoff):
"This means you will finally be able to _______." (Starts with a VERB)
(Ex: leverage Twitter to make more sales and enjoy more free time off; know you're using every tool possible to find a buyer; keep your speaking calendar as full as you want it to be; enjoy an exemplary record for every promotion board, etc.)
Value and Pricing
What's the total value of all your offer parts and bonuses added up?:
"The total value of this offer is _____."
(Ex: $997, $23,862, $497, etc.)
What is their price when they buy today?:
"Today your price is _____."
($97, $497, $997, etc.)
How much does your product, service, software, book, etc. cost as a comparison to something else?:
"My product / service is _____." (NOT a bottom-line dollar figure)
(Ex: absolutely ZERO cost to you; less than a dollar a day; less than the cost of an everything pizza; less than the cost of a fancy dinner out on the town, etc.)